21 AI Study Tools: TikTok Strategies and Stats

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School & University starts now.

We’ve explored the strategies behind the best Study AI tools on TikTok. Time for more!

Here’s a collection of 21 AI study/education-focused web apps, along with their TikTok strategies, stats, and best performing videos.

Trynemo AI

Tool: Write, cite, take notes with AI
45 videos 277,324 views in 2 months 2% viral rate
Strategy: Front cam face + hook overlay => to laptop recording & hook resolution caption


AI assistant for your classes
2,393,596 views 99 videos
Strategy: POV landscape to Laptop Recording & Hack/Tip
Best: 1.7M views


Talk to your PDF
7567909 views, 105 videos, 4% viral rate
Strategy: POV face hook to Laptop Recording
Best: 3.2M

Caktus AI

AI Essay Writer
12090041 views, 507 videos, 3% viral rate
Strategy: POV face hook to Laptop Recording / Straight Laptop Rec
Best: 899K


AI assistant to read and understand research papers
3933465 views, 161 videos
Strategy: POV face hook to laptop recording
Best: 2.3M


Create presentation in seconds
30624585 views, 218 videos, 10% viral rate
Strategy: School/slide related fun videos
Best: 3M


Personalised AI Study Tool
159745950, 444 videos, 7% viral rate
Strategy: POV to over the shoulder amphitheater laptop rec
Best: 21M views

MindGrasp AI

AI Learning Assistant
16140581 views, 667 videos
Strategy: Hook with Laptop rec / POV face pitch to laptop rec
Best: 1.9M


AI Study Partner
10197594, 34 videos
Strategy: POV + Laptop Recording
Best: 7.7M

Tutorly AI

AI Homework Tool
9566445, 832 videos
Strategy: ChatGPT alt. POV to screen rec
Best: 3.5M


AI Study Tools
5895060, 110 videos
Strategy: POV on close laptop rec

Skolar GPT

AI tool for academics
10342459, 49 videos, 8% viral rate
Strategy: POV to close laptop recording
Best: 4.3M

My JotBot

AI note taking
3906111, 250 videos
Strategy: POV Hook to Laptop Rec / Full pitch
Best: 2.2M


10111177, 172 videos
Strategy: Long Pitch + Laptop Rec / Hook + Laptop Rec
Best: 5.4M

Notedly AI

AI learning tool
15860004, 72 videos
Strategy: Multi / Classroom Hook + Laptop Rec
Best: 2.9M

Kipper AI

AI for Schoolwork
44747875, 790 videos
Strategy: POV laptop in classroom
Best: 4.1M


AI Study Tutor
6383153, 64 videos, 9% viral rate
Strategy: Classroom POV to laptop recording
Best: 833K

Conch AI

Write & Research with AI
47167293, 297 videos
Strategy: Multiple
Best: 30.4M

SemiHuman AI

AI essay writer
7829107, 270 videos, 5% viral rate
Strategy: Fast cut hook to phone/laptop recording
Best: 1.9M

Plume AI

AI writer (french)
14477745, 400 videos, 5%
Strategy: Aggressive text hook to screen recording
Best: 2.2M

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