60M views with 634 videos and one Format on TikTok

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I recently stumbled across a TikTok account that is absolutely crushing it with a dead-simple content format. The account is @discoverly.ai, and they’ve managed to rack up an astounding 59,170,833 views across 634 videos.

What’s even more impressive is their median view count – a staggering 27,000 views per video. And get this – 3% of their videos have over 1 million views, while 7% are outperforming the median by 7.5x.

Let’s dive into the secret sauce behind Discoverly.ai’s TikTok domination.

Discoverly Videos

The Genius, Repeatable TikTok Format

Discoverly Format Type

The format Discoverly.ai is using is almost laughably simple, yet incredibly effective. Each of their videos follows the same 7-second structure:

1. The creator points to the top of the screen, where text displays the “Trending Sound” and the name of the audio.

2. Then, with a smooth hand gesture, the creator reveals the performance stats for that sound in tiny font.

That’s it. No fancy editing, no complex narratives – just a straightforward, two-step process that hooks the viewer and delivers the value proposition.

And the results speak for themselves. With a median view count of 27,000 and 22 videos that have over 1 million views each, Discoverly.ai has clearly dialed in on a format that resonates with their target audience.

The Psychology Behind the Approach

What makes this format so effective? It all comes down to the psychology of how people consume content on TikTok.

The initial hook – pointing to the “Trending Sound” – instantly grabs the viewer’s attention and piques their curiosity. They want to know more about this trending audio.

Then, the smooth reveal of the performance stats keeps them engaged, as they take a moment to read and process the information. By the time they’ve absorbed those details, the video is over – but they’re left wanting more.

And that’s exactly where Discoverly.ai capitalizes. Each video includes a clear call-to-action, urging viewers to visit their profile and click the link for additional content.

Scaling the Formula

Discoverly Many Videos

But Discoverly.ai isn’t just relying on their core format. They’ve also optimized other key elements to maximize their success:

– The creator is friendly, approachable, and always slightly smiling – crucial for a voiceless format like this.

– They may have pre-recorded a large library of these videos in advance, just updating the text overlay before posting to maintain a consistent publishing cadence.

And the results speak for themselves. With 22 videos hitting over 1 million views and 44 videos outperforming the median by 7.5x, Discoverly.ai has clearly found a winning formula.

Applying the Lessons to Your Own Brand

If you’re looking to drive growth for your mobile app or any other product, there are some key takeaways from Discoverly.ai’s playbook that you can apply:

1. Find a simple, repeatable format that aligns with your target audience’s content consumption habits.

2. Optimize the psychological triggers in your videos to keep viewers engaged and curious.

3. Incorporate clear calls-to-action that drive users back to your app or website.

4. Leverage technology and pre-recording to streamline your content production and publishing.

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