LocketApp’s TikTok influencer strategy for gaining 250M views

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The social app Locket has been absolutely crushing it on TikTok. They’re currently ranked #3 in the Social Media category, with their videos racking up millions of views. 

What’s their secret?

It turns out Locket has been executing a very deliberate and effective TikTok growth strategy – one that any consumer app or social media brand would be wise to emulate.

The Locket TikTok Playbook

Before diving into their current strategy, Locket first found success by leveraging small influencers. They had these influencers post videos on their profiles, which ended up generating millions of views. This initial influencer-driven strategy allowed Locket to build momentum and get their content in front of new audiences.

But Locket didn’t stop there. They doubled down and really perfected their TikTok content format. After experimenting with different approaches, they landed on a formula that consistently outperforms the competition:

– 2-3 second video of a person’s face, smiling or dancing slightly while looking straight at the camera

– Text overlay highlighting the “hook” of the content, enticing viewers to keep watching

– Screen recording showing the app being used, like sending a photo to a friend’s lockscreen

This format is so effective that 10% of Locket’s TikTok videos beat the median view count by 10x (around 20k views), and 3%+ go absolutely viral with 50x the typical views. Locket has clearly found the sweet spot in terms of content that resonates with their target audience on TikTok.

Locket’s Growth Team Mastery

At a certain point, Locket shifted their strategy again. Instead of relying solely on influencers, they started having their own internal growth team post the TikTok videos directly.

A handful of Locket employees, likely their dedicated growth specialists, began posting the classic Locket TikTok format every single day – sometimes multiple times per day. This allowed them to maintain a consistent cadence and keep their content top-of-mind for their followers.

And it worked brilliantly. By finding the sweet spot format and having their own people execute it relentlessly, Locket was able to achieve incredible organic growth on TikTok. They were able to tap into the platform’s algorithm and maximize the reach and engagement of their content.

But Locket didn’t stop there. They then scaled this strategy by bringing on dedicated TikTok creators to produce the same type of content. They kept iterating, stopping underperforming accounts and doubling down on the high-flyers. This allowed them to expand their TikTok footprint while maintaining the consistency and effectiveness of their format.

The Takeaways for Your App or Brand

If you have a social or consumer app, you’d be wise to take a page out of Locket’s playbook. Their systematic, data-driven approach to TikTok growth is something any brand can learn from.

Here are the key steps to follow:

1. Create your first account and benchmark formats in your industry and niche. See what’s working for your competitors and similar brands.

2. Test and iterate until you find a format that starts gaining traction with your target audience. Don’t be afraid to try different variations.

3. Once you’ve nailed the format, create a second account to see if the success replicates. This will help validate your approach.

4. If the format proves effective across multiple accounts, scale up by bringing on more dedicated creators to produce that type of content.

Throughout the process, be rigorous in your testing, measurement, and iteration. Use tools like Shortimize to maximize your productivity and track performance across multiple accounts.

Locket has proven that this scientific, format-driven approach to TikTok growth can lead to incredible results. With the right strategy and execution, your app or brand can achieve the same level of TikTok domination. It’s all about finding what works, doubling down, and scaling up.

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